Netherlands. Plastics circular economy
VROOMSHOOP, NETHERLANDS - Giving plastics a second life
A circular economy model, Vroomshoop (The Netherlands) is a leading site in Europe where used plastic is recycled into a new virgin plastic material. They are comparable with those made of new raw materials. Besides quality, the cost price continues to be an important point of departure. Without forfeiting on quality, the cost price of a recyclate actually lies substantially lower than that of new material.
Direction de la communication Veolia
Production : Christophe Majani et Bruno Clément

MultiPet GmbH & Multiport GmbH – Plastics recycling at Veolia
Multiport GmbH specialises in the production of compounds and regrind from HDPE plastic packaging waste from households, commerce and industry. MultiPet GmbH is specialised in the recycling of PET packaging waste. Both are part of the globally active environmental service provider Veolia.

Veolia - Recycling plastic waste how & why

Veolia - Un acteur global du recyclage plastique
Parce que les ressources sont trop précieuses pour n'être utilisées qu'une seule fois, Veolia, via sa filiale VPFR (Veolia Propreté France Recycling), valorise chaque année 100 000 tonnes de plastiques dans notre pays. Le Groupe, qui voit le déchet comme une ressource, ambitionne de devenir "LE producteur de ressources renouvelables de référence en France".
Novembre 2017
Réalisation : Bruno Clément et Christophe Majani d'Inguimbert

Take a look inside our Dagenham plastics recycling facility
A circular economy for plastics is crucial to reducing carbon emissions and building a more sustainable future ♻
At our Dagenham plastics recycling facility, plastic milk bottles are sorted, shredded and then turned into pellets, ready to be turned into new bottles.
Find out more about the facility and the process in this video!